ICONation Update: May 2019

6 min readMay 1, 2019


Hello ICONists,

April has come and gone in a flash! It was another busy month for us here on the ICONation team. We continue to work on our roadmap and objectives and would like to share some updates with the community.

Before we do, we wanted to note our excitement regarding several of the new P-Rep candidates joining the ICONSENSUS race. ICONation’s primary concern is and will always be the health & growth of the ICON network, so it’s great to see quality candidates joining in this initiative as we head towards the ultimate goal of decentralization.


Aegis is a blockchain database & analyzation tool that can be used to query and broadcast various blockchain statistics. Spl3en has been working hard on making updates that will likely interest most in the ICON community. Aegis will provide data similar to the ICON tracker in addition to other statistics such as counting step quantities used by contracts, contract invocation, as well as real-time statistics. Spl3en will be providing a blog post or two in the future to advise how he’s used Aegis recently to detect unusual and interesting occurrences on the ICON blockchain.

Lots more to come on Aegis in the upcoming months! We think the ICON community will really enjoy some of the features and data Aegis will bring forth.

ICONation Youtube Introduction Video

All ICON P-Rep candidates have been asked to provide a video to introduce ourselves to the community. As we discussed our options, we realized we had several directions we could go in creatively. We wanted the focus of our video to be on who we are, our strengths, how we are different from other P-Rep candidates, where we see ICON in the future, and how we intend to contribute to the network and community. We really wanted to emphasize the importance of the community and the role they will play as the 6th member of the ICONation P-Rep.

We also wanted the quality to be outstanding.

As many of you reading this may know, ICONation was born from the ICON community. We have seen the same content released by the ICON team, Youtubers, and our own community members as you have. As you may have noticed, we have some incredibly talented members right here in our own community. We are excited to present our video to ICONists, especially since it is being created by a revered ICON community member.

We’ll keep it a secret for now, but we are greatly looking forward to revealing their identity and thanking them publicly for their most appreciated efforts and assistance with this initiative.

Loopchain Lab

ICONation’s Loopchain Lab initiative is an effort to educate and support developers with information about peer nodes, RPC communication, trackers, SCORE functionality, developing on the ICON network, etc. The team has made progress on a series of educational development videos and is working to create additional blogs catered towards those out there who may be looking to build on the ICON platform. The videos will presume you may have little to no experience with developing on a blockchain and are geared towards even the newest of aspiring developers out there in the community.

We do not yet have an official ETA on the release of these videos, but we are making progress and working with a reputable online educational blockchain development platform to make this happen. More to come in the coming months, so please stay tuned!

By ICONists, for ICONists: Chatting with ICONation

By ICONists, for ICONists is an ICONation vlog. By ICONists, for ICONists will cover updates and news related to ICON, ICONation, the ICON community, and anything else out there that might be of interest to ICONists.

By ICONists, for ICONists will be posted on the ICONation YouTube page. We hope you tune in and enjoy the show!

ICON P-Rep TestNet Application

All P-Rep candidates have been advised that they must be prepared for the launch of the P-Rep TestNet. ICONation is prepared and is ready to go for the launch.

We are looking forward to getting started!

Roadmap Update

The ICONation P-Rep application included a short-term roadmap. Below is a summation of the original roadmap followed by updates.

April Roadmap Status:

May Roadmap Status:

  1. Aegis: As mentioned previously, Spl3en is working on Aegis updates that can provide the community with a variety of blockchain statistics
  2. Internal Team Charter: The ICONation Internal Team Charter has been updated and will be converted to a public facing document at the appropriate time.
  3. ICONation P-Rep TestNet Application & Configuration: ICONation has submitted its P-Rep TestNet application and has configured all required settings. We are ready and excited to proceed as the real deal draws closer and closer by the day.
  4. ICONation voting DApp: No updates at this time, but please stay tuned.
  5. Loopchain Lab: The Loopchain Lab initiative has made progress. We do not yet have an ETA on the online educational series for developers or additional documentation but will keep you posted along the way.
  6. Obsidian: Team Multi-Signature Wallet — no updates at this time, but please stay tuned.
  7. Trezor Wallet Integration: We know several ICONists are awaiting Trezor wallet integration. ICONation is looking forward to further working on and completing this initiative. It is on our to-do list and it is a priority, but a few high priority items came forward this month that required us to shift our focus at this time (this might sound familiar to the OG’s out there). This is important to us and we will work to make progress here asap!
  8. ICONation Video Blog: ICONation is working on a video blog that will provide the community with updates on ICON, community observations, and ICONation developments.
  9. YouTube Introduction Video: Our due date for this video is in early May. ICONists can expect to see the video and learn the identity of the talented community member who helped to make it happen in just a few weeks.

As always, please feel free to reach out to us if you ever have questions about ICONation and thank you for stopping by our Medium for the latest!

By Iconists, for Iconists


